

It's not just a massage; it's a personalized bodywork experience with a unique program for every client.

75270 Highway 111 N Unit 201
Indian Wells, CA 92210

Price list

Full-Body Massage - Diagnostic Session. Recommended as your initial visit to assess your body's needs and establish a customized program.

Comprehensive Full-Body Massage: From head to toe, with a personalized touch.

Full-body Massage from head to toe, suitable for big or larger individuals, and effective for targeted muscle knot relief.

Pregnancy entails significant physiological changes, and regardless of a woman's busy schedule, it remains crucial for expectant mothers to prioritize self-care and their well-being.

Massage plays a vital role in alleviating muscle tension, cramps, and providing relief and comfort to a pregnant woman's body. It can also help her relax, which can have a positive impact on the birthing process.

It's advisable for women to begin prenatal massage around 6-8 weeks into their pregnancy and discontinue it two weeks before delivery. It is not recommended to have prenatal massage more than twice a week.

While we shower daily, it's not always sufficient for a thorough cleanse! For many, a body scrub is a pleasurable and gratifying ritual.

Some individuals find it challenging to reach their back, while others, especially after medical treatments, may struggle to move freely, making it hard to effectively purify their bodies.

Our shea butter or enzyme scrub offers a gentle and thorough skin cleansing. Following the procedure, we employ warm, damp towels to enhance the experience. If desired, you can take a shower post-treatment.

Your body will express its gratitude after a revitalizing body scrub!

Indulge in a complete skin renewal and relaxation experience with our combined session: scrub + massage. This unique combination not only refreshes and rejuvenates your skin but also provides a sense of relaxation. Feel your body replenish energy and vitality.

Elena's Signature Anti-Cellulite Program
Experience exclusive anti-cellulite program, a culmination of years of expertise and innovation. With a focus on individualized care, our approach combines manual massage, honey massages, natural oils, and fruit juices. Say goodbye to cellulite and embrace a revitalized you.


Additional procedures are supplementary to the main treatments and are not available for separate purchase.

Additional facial massage targeting muscle tension release, wrinkle smoothing, and relaxation.

Individually selected products for warm wraps that rejuvenate the structure of the skin on the hands.

PAckage specials

Services Single x5 x10
Massage (90 min) $210 $945 $1780
Anti-cell. Prog. $350 $1575 $2970

"Indeed, massage offers more than just pleasure; it can also have a positive impact on human health. Here are some examples:"
